So, it’s that time of the week when you do your routine vacuuming to get rid of dust and pet fur from your living space. However, your Dyson vacuum cleaner has stopped working, and you can’t complete the job.
A Dyson vacuum will stop working if it has power issues, the filter has problems, or the motorhead has malfunctioned. A damaged vacuum belt and blockages in the airway or other parts may also cause your Dyson unit to stop working. Also, if it’s in the upright position, it normally won’t turn on.
This complete troubleshooting guide will cover the common causes why your Dyson vacuum has stopped working. Read on as we diagnose these problems and offer you solutions to resolve them.

Dyson Vacuum Won’t Turn On When Upright
If your Dyson vacuum won’t turn on when upright, you shouldn’t panic as that’s how they normally are. Dyson vacuums are designed to lock into an upright position when you’re not using them.
As explained by the Dyson Operating Manual for DC25, the upright position disengages the brush bar. The brush bar won’t rotate as long as the vacuum is in that position.
To use the vacuum, press the button next to the cleaning head with your foot. This unlocks the handle, and you can recline the vacuum.
The manual explains that the upright position is also the correct position when using the vacuum tools.
Dyson Vacuum Won’t Turn On After Cleaning Filter
If your Dyson vacuum won’t turn on after cleaning the filter, it could be due to several reasons. You installed the filter incorrectly or replaced it while still wet. The motorhead may have also been damaged by water from a wet filter, or there are blockages in other parts of the vacuum.
Dyson Vacuum Filter Is Incorrectly Installed
Cleaning your Dyson vacuum filter, or replacing a damaged one with a new one, should optimize its performance. But that won’t happen if you fix it incorrectly after diligently cleaning the filter or paying a good buck for a new one.
When removing your Dyson filter, you have to turn it anticlockwise and pull it out. To fix it back, you should twist it clockwise until it clicks. If you don’t do this, your vacuum won’t turn on.
It’s important to note that your Dyson vacuum may detect an incorrectly fitted filter if dirt stands between the filter and its fitting on the vacuum.
How To Diagnose and Fix an Incorrectly Fitted Dyson Vacuum Filter
If your Dyson vacuum has the filter wrongly fitted, the blue light will be flashing. This may vary with different models, so check your user manual for the correct interpretation of the flashing lights.
To fix it, simply remove the filter and refit it back. While you’re at it, ensure that there’s no dirt sitting on the filter’s fitting space. You can check the sticker at the back of the filter for instructions.
Dyson Vacuum Filter Is Fitted While Still Wet
You should never refit your Dyson vacuum filter without allowing it to dry completely after washing.
Fitting a wet filter risks blockage to the airway because the water doesn’t allow the air to pass. As a result, there’s poor air supply to the entire vacuum, and the appliance shuts itself as auto protection.
How To Diagnose and Fix Your Vacuum Filter That’s Fitted Wet
It’s easy to tell that your vacuum filter is still wet if you feel some wetness when you hold it to fit it back in its place. You can also shake the filter a little and notice if any water droplets fall out of the filter.
Dyson recommends that you should leave your vacuum filter in a warm place for 24 hours to dry completely. Also, you should NEVER dry a filter under direct sunlight, using a naked flame or a tumble drier, or by placing it in a microwave.
So, if you had refitted a wet filter into your Dyson vacuum, remove the wet filter and leave it out for 24 hours so it can dry completely. The vacuum also needs to dry because some of the water may have gone into adjacent parts.
Dyson Vacuum Has a Malfunctioned Motor Head
If you’ve just washed your Dyson vacuum filter and accidentally fitted it back wet, the unwanted water could end up in the electrical part of the motor. This could cause a short circuit and damage the motor, making the vacuum shut off.
How To Diagnose and Replace Your Damaged Dyson Vacuum Motor
If, before shutting off abruptly due to a wet filter, your Dyson vacuum has a strong burning smell, then it’s likely that the motor has malfunctioned and needs to be replaced.
Follow these steps to replace your Dyson vacuum motor:
- Ensure your safety by turning off the power switch and unplugging.
- Disassemble the wand and motorhead.
- Remove the bin.
- Remove the battery.
- Remove the cyclone from the motor.
- Attach the new motor to the cyclone.
- Replace the battery.
- Refit the bin.
- Reattach the wand and motorhead. Your Dyson vacuum should resume working.
This video from YouTube is a detailed visual demonstration of how to replace the motor on a Dyson vacuum:
The Dyson Vacuum Has Blockages Elsewhere
If you’ve just cleaned your Dyson vacuum filter and have allowed it to dry well before refitting it, but your vacuum still won’t turn on, the vacuum may have blockages in other parts: the wand, brush bar, or the air inlet. This is especially true if your vacuum pulsates when you try to turn it on.
How To Diagnose and Fix Dyson Vacuum Blockages
Assess the vacuum parts that are susceptible to blockages such as the:
- Hose
- Wand and wand handle
- Airway
- Cleaner head
- Brush bar
- Air inlet
- Bin inlet
Notice any signs of fluff and dirt buildup, pieces of objects, or hairballs in these spaces.
To fix possible Dyson vacuum blockages, follow these steps:
- Turn off your Dyson vacuum and unplug the cable from the wall outlet.
- Disassemble the vacuum.
- Assess each of the parts for clogging debris.
Dyson Vacuum Shuts Off After a Few Minutes
If your Dyson vacuum shuts off after a few minutes, it could be that the vacuum has power issues. Other possible reasons include the vacuum fuse being dead, the vacuum belt being damaged, or there are blockages in the vacuum that make it work harder and overheat.
Dyson Vacuum Has Power Issues
A Dyson vacuum that has power issues will either not turn on at all or shut off after a few minutes.
Power issues may result from one of these causes:
- A bad wall outlet.
- A tripped circuit breaker due to a power surge while the vacuum was running.
How To Diagnose and Fix Dyson Vacuum Power Issues
Perform one of these actions to resolve Dyson power issues:
- Test the wall outlet for faults by trying to power another appliance. If the appliance runs without any issues and doesn’t stop, then the vacuum has a problem. If the other appliance turns off after a few minutes, the wall outlet has a problem.
- If the wall socket is working, check if the circuit breaker has tripped. A tripped circuit breaker will have the switch turned downwards.
Depending on your diagnosis, perform one of the following:
- Call in a professional electrician to repair a faulty wall outlet.
- If the circuit breaker is tripped, pull the switch back up and test the vacuum to see if it resumes working.
If the circuit breaker switch is hard to turn, never try to force it. You should call in a professional electrician instead.
Note: If you have a cordless Dyson vacuum model, power issues could be caused by a dead battery or a damaged battery casing. Recharge the battery or replace the battery casing as the case requires.
Dyson Vacuum Has a Dead Fuse
If there are no issues with power at the wall outlet or the circuit breaker, then your Dyson vacuum fuse could be blown.
A blown Dyson vacuum fuse can be caused by:
- Power fluctuations
- An overheating vacuum
- A vacuum turning off abruptly
How To Diagnose and Fix a Dead Dyson Vacuum Fuse
A blown fuse will have some dark color inside the glass or a broken or melted filament. Using the wrong type of fuse can also cause it to blow.
To fix issues with a blown Dyson vacuum fuse:
- Ensure you’re using the correct fuse. The standard fuse in Dyson vacuums is a brown 13A fuse.
- Check for secondary causes of a blown Dyson vacuum fuse like dirty filters, electricity issues in the home, or damaged vacuum seals and parts.
Dyson Vacuum Has a Damaged Belt
Vacuum belts have the function of spinning the brush roller and turning the vacuum wheels in some models.
If your Dyson vacuum belt breaks or has some cracks, the motor will malfunction, leading to overheating. A blown or tripped fuse, or abrupt power loss to the vacuum, are all possible consequences of a broken vacuum belt.
How To Diagnose and Replace Your Damaged Dyson Vacuum Belt
The first possible signs of a damaged Dyson vacuum belt include a vacuum that keeps tripping or blowing or there’s an abrupt power loss to the unit.
For a more precise diagnosis, open the brush roll area of the vacuum and notice if the belt is hanging loosely on the brush roller.
A broken vacuum belt needs replacement.
To replace a damaged Dyson vacuum belt, follow these steps:
- Open the brush roll area of your vacuum by removing the screws holding the bottom plate. This will reveal the brush roller and the belt.
- Remove the brush roller and belt. Be sure to check how they’re fixed on the vacuum, so you have no trouble placing them back.
- Remove the broken belt from around the roller. You may not need to remove the other end of the belt from the motor shaft if the belt is broken. However, if still held by the motor shaft, pull that end out too.
- Install the new belt on the brush roller and motor shaft. Ensure you’ve ordered and purchased the right belt for your Dyson model. Check your User’s Manual or call Dyson support if you’re not sure.
- Place back the bottom plate and tighten the screws to fasten it. You can now test your Dyson vacuum and get back to your vacuuming task.
This video from Dyson is a visual demonstration of how to replace a damaged Dyson vacuum belt:
The vacuum belt replacement steps are for DC07 and DC14, which generally apply to other models.
If you’re not confident you can complete this process with ease and without causing further damage, call in a professional to do the job.
Dyson Vacuum Has Blockages
A Dyson vacuum with blockages creates the risk of overheating due to reduced airflow. Blockages can happen in the hose or at the brush bar and attachments.
If your Dyson vacuum has a blockage, it’ll be working harder than usual to get the required air supply, and the resulting overheating can cause it to shut down.
How To Diagnose and Fix Your Dyson Vacuum That Has Blockages
Check your vacuum hose, brush bar, and attachment for blocking objects that could be hairballs, pieces of children’s toys, or accumulated dust and fluff.
To remove blockages from your Dyson vacuum, follow these steps:
- Turn off your Dyson vacuum and unplug the cable from the wall outlet.
- Disassemble the vacuum and assess each of the parts for clogging debris.
These are the parts you should disassemble and assess for blockage:
- Wand and wand handle
- Cleaner head
- Brush bar
- Airway above the cleaner head
- Neck of the cleaner head
- Bin inlet
- Air inlet
- Extension tube
Watch how to check your Dyson vacuum for blockages and follow the demonstration to disassemble and clear the blockages. Note that there could be slight variations depending on your vacuum model.
Final Thoughts
A Dyson vacuum that’s not working when you need your vacuuming job done can be extremely frustrating. Common problems include Dyson vacuum not turning on when upright, not turning on after cleaning the filter, and keeps shutting off after a few minutes.
Knowing how to troubleshoot issues affecting your vacuum can save your day. We hope this article has given you the practical tips you need to do precisely that.
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