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Too Much Stuff After Decluttering? Here’s What To Do

One of the best ways to keep your home organized is by decluttering regularly. Clutter builds up in your home over time for various reasons, such as having too much stuff, limited space, and disorganization. But sometimes, after decluttering your home, you may feel like there’s still too much stuff.

If you still have too much stuff after decluttering, consider organizing your stuff, decluttering again, and disposing of things you don’t need. Clutter consists of items that you don’t need or want anymore. They take up space in your home and make it feel untidy.

This article will discuss how to go about decluttering and what to do if you have too much stuff after you’re done. 

Decluttered home still has too much stuff.

What Is Decluttering Your Home?

Decluttering your home is the act of removing things you don’t need from places like the pantry, living room, kitchen, and other areas. Clutter can make you feel suffocated or overwhelmed by your space. When you declutter, your home becomes attractive, tidy, and easy to clean.

Decluttering is a process, and it may take time before you get your home to where you want it to be. No wonder you sometimes feel like you still have too much stuff after decluttering your home.

What To Do if You Have Too Much Stuff After Decluttering

As mentioned above, decluttering your home is a process, and it might take some time to reach your desired goal. Here’s what to do if you have too much stuff after decluttering:

Declutter Again

If you feel like you still have too much stuff even after decluttering, try decluttering again. There’s a chance you’re still keeping things you don’t need due to emotional attachment or hoping you’ll sell them in the future. Take some time to reconsider whether you really need everything you’ve spared.

Here are some of the areas that could use a second round of decluttering:

Declutter Your Walls

Maybe when you were decluttering, you overlooked places like the walls. Too many portraits and artwork on the walls may cause visual clutter, making your space feel too loaded (source). Consider taking down a few items from your walls.

Declutter the Furniture and Furnishings

At first, you may not see the need to declutter the furniture and furnishings. But furniture can take up lots of space in the house, and if you are not careful, it could become clutter. Too many fluffy items can also overwhelm a room and make it look cluttered.

Here’s how to declutter the furniture and furnishings:

  • Furniture: If there are chairs, stools, or coffee tables that you hardly use, get rid of them.
  • Throw pillows: Look carefully at your throw pillows, select a few that you’d like to keep, and remove the rest. 
  • Rugs: Having a lot of small rugs makes a room appear small and cluttered (source). It’s best to replace many small rugs with a few larger ones. 

Organize Your Spaces

If you declutter rooms, cabinets, or drawers but fail to organize them, you will still feel like there is too much stuff. It’s crucial to manage your spaces after decluttering. Below are things you can do to organize your spaces after decluttering:

Have a Permanent Home for Each Item

Suppose you declutter your home but throw items all over the place. This will give you the impression that you have more things than you actually do. The key is to have a home for each item and ensure that family members know where to place them when not in use. Here’s how to organize some of the items in your home:

  • Cables and extension cords: When cables and extension cords are all over the place, they become unsightly and make a space feel cluttered. You can use the Monoprice Cable Wrap (link to Amazon) to hide and cover cables and extension cords.
  • Remotes: Even if everything else is in place, having a bunch of controllers spread around the room will give an impression of clutter. You could store them permanently in a Remote Control Holder (link to Amazon). You’ll know where to find them every time you need them. 
  • Stationery: Keep stationery on a designated shelf instead of randomly throwing them in different drawers. Keeping pens and pencils in across several drawers may make your drawers look cluttered even if they don’t have that much stuff. You can use the NIUBEE Acrylic Pen Holders (link to Amazon) to organize stationery in your home.
  • Bottles: All those bottles of body wash, conditioner, or shampoo can make you feel like you still have too much stuff after decluttering. You could arrange them permanently in a Shower Caddy Shelf Rack (link to Amazon) to prevent them from cluttering your bathroom. 

Rearrange Your Furniture

After decluttering furniture, it’s good to rearrange it as part of the process of organizing your space. It might provide you with a much-needed feeling of change. Rearrange your furniture to make the space feel welcoming and open. You’d be surprised by how much a room can change by simply moving around tables and sofas.

Dispose of the Items You Decluttered

If you don’t dispose of any of the items you decluttered, you’ll probably end up with the same problem again. Clutter is caused by having too much stuff, and, if you simply reshuffle them, there won’t be any significant change.

Here are a few things you can do with the things you don’t want or need anymore.

  • Donate to charitable organizations.
  • Give the items to family and friends.
  • Sell them in a garage sale. 

If you really want a reality check, watch this video from Caroline Winkler:

Final Thoughts

Decluttering is not a one-time event — it’s an ongoing process that takes time and hard work. That’s one of the reasons why you’ll sometimes feel like you still have too much stuff after decluttering. Don’t allow the feeling to overwhelm you and don’t give up on decluttering your home to your heart’s desire.

You can declutter several times until you are happy with how your home looks. Organizing your spaces and disposing of the items you decluttered can also prevent you from feeling like you have too much stuff.

Recommended Reading:

Declutter your home once and for all (Even if you have no time and don't know where to begin)! Learn More.


I'm obsessed with cleaning (maybe to an unhealthy degree) and want to share all of my best tips and hacks with you.

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